Friday, October 26, 2012

Can People be Friends Online?

Today's controversial question is whether, yes or no, people can be friends on the Net.

Hmm. That is a pretty good question, and all depends on the person's views. I'll go with yes, but there's a twist: There is "Friend", "friend" and friend.

A friend would be someone you know in real life from real life circumstances, for example someone you have since high school, or know from work. A "friend" would be a person that you know but aren't necessarily friends with, but you still chat, and you know how the person is, and not just the person's projection of him or herself. Finally, a "Friend" is just a random person that someone that someone that someone that your friend knows knows, or it's just this really random person that posts things you like, or it's an extremely random person that you enrolled as your friend just because you are doing a most friends on such and such social media competition.

So yeah, people can be friends online. But is it necessarily safe?

Not really. Unless you use Skype or Facetime, you don't know who is behind the screen at the other end, and you don't know wether the person is who they are supposed to be. And let's face it: "Friends", so the type of people that go in the "The friend of the friend of the friends of my friend's friend"section, also called the random people section, well, you don't know them. Actually, they might be someone posing as that person, or maybe a grown man is posing as a girl, or a girl is posing as a grown woman, or a boy is posing as a girl and vice-versa, and how are we supposed to know if they do?

Here is a link to a little YouTube clip on What Facebook is For. It's quite funny, actually.

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting! I like the way you've differentiated :)
    -Confession (who can't be bothered to go log in)
